Rom Prom Eprom Eeprom Pdf


Pengertian Rom Prom Eprom Eeprom

PROM was first developed by Wen Tsing Chow in 1956 and a good example of a PROM is a computer BIOS in early computers. Today, PROM in computers has been replaced by EEPROM. Tip: A programmable ROM is also referred to as a FPROM (field programmable read-only memory) or OTP (one-time programmable) chip. Tears from the moon download. The main read only memory devices are listed below: ROM (Mask Programmable ROM —also called “MROMs”) EPROM (UV Erasable and Electrically Programmable ROM) OTP (One Time Programmable EPROM) EEPROM (Electrically Erasable and Programmable ROM) Flash Memory - These devices are covered in Section 10. EPROM (UV Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) is a special type of ROM that is pro- grammed electrically and yet is erasable under UV light. The EPROM device is programmed by forcing an electrical charge on a small piece of polysilicon material (called the floating gate) located in the memory cell.