Motioninjoy-offline Installer (64 Bit)
This may ramble on a bit, but it explains my desire to create this tool. I was working on a project for myself, an emulated console arcade. I had the need for a good controller interface to a computer that would be hooked up to my TV. I found MotioninJoy as a suitable driver, but wanted more functionality than was provided by default.
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Motioninjoy Offline Drivers
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Specifically I wanted to be able to get the battery status of bluetooth connected DS3 controllers, as I was implementing a PS3 style XMB overlay. So, I started digging around in the DS3_Tool.exe program that comes with the MotioninJoy driver. At first, I was only going to extract the values of the actual battery charge status that shows in DS3_Tool.exe, and I discovered that this was next to impossible because DS3_Tool.exe uses an Internet Explorer server, specifically the WebBrowser control, and I can only assume that for security reasons, the operating system doesn’t allow this to be hooked. This got me curious as to why the author decided to build DS3_Tool.exe in this manner. I was also determined to achieve what I described previously. I first noticed outbound connections over the internet, which I assumed at first was to deliver ads in the main screen.