Microsoft Visio Network Diagram Tutorials

Visio Network Shapes
From floor plans, to network diagrams, really any diagram you can imagine, Visio makes it possible to create them all with both precision and ease. I'm David Rivers and I've been showing people how to make the most of Microsoft Visio since its early days. Join Visio MVP Scott Helmers in this online video to learn how to link a network diagram, and by extension, any Visio diagram, to data in Excel. This simple but powerful technique allows you to enrich a diagram by including real-world data without needing to reenter so much as a single keystroke. Learn Microsoft Visio the EASY way with our FREE tutorials! Home; Articles; Tutorials; Membership; Creating Network Diagrams. For many us in the 21st century, work involves sitting at a computer for much of the day. A network diagram takes the guesswork out of configuring routers, switches and the other hardware required.
You can now follow the same steps with the network labeled 'Store 2.' Creating a Rack Diagram A rack, by definition, is a metal frame that holds devices such as servers, hard disk drives, modems, and etc. It looks like a shelf where components can be stacked on top of each other, then screwed into the front. A rack diagram, in turn, is a drawing of a computer rack that you can then add equipment (shapes in Visio) to. Let's learn to create a rack diagram, then add the equipment to it. To start with, let's go to the Backstage View, and open the Rack Diagram template.
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You can now go through and add shape data to the shapes in your drawing. This is an important part of creating a rack diagram because it lets you know where all your equipment is located. About Drawing Scales It goes without saying that it would be impossible to draw the actual size of an equipment rack on a page. However, that doesn't mean we don't want actual size representations on the page. When we create a drawing in Visio, whether it's a rack with equipment or a floor plan for an office, we want to make sure that the shapes we add to our drawing represent actual objects AND accurately represent the amount of space they will inhabit. For example, you might have a drawing scale that's 1':1'. Murray bike models. This means that one inch of drawing space equals one foot of actual space.
Changing the Drawing Scale When we created the rack diagram, we changed the ratio between the drawings and the real equipment. We changed it to 1:10. In that instance, we made the change before we started to create the diagram. However, there may be times when you need to change the drawing scale after you've created the drawing. Let's learn how to do that. Go to the page for which you want to change the scale. In this section, we're going to learn more of those methods.
Using the Rulers and Grid If your shapes are not aligned, it can make even the most organized chart or diagram look bad. Take a look at the example below: These tablet devices should all be evenly aligned and spaced on the page. The easiest way to align and space them is to use the dynamic grid. However, you can also use the rulers and the standard grid.
The ruler in Visio line the top and left side of your drawing window. Use the rulers to place objects. Whenever you select and move a shape, you can see where you're placing it by looking at the rulers. The top ruler shows you the left edge, center, and right edge of the shape.
Microsoft Visio Network Diagram Tutorial
These are marked by vertical dotted lines. The ruler on the left shows you the top, middle, and bottom of the side of the shape. You can also use the rulers to space objects by creating equal space between each object. To help you place shapes, you can also use the grid. Go to the View tab on the ribbon. Put a checkmark beside the Grid box in the Show group to view the grid. When you put a checkmark in the grid box, this is what you will see on your page: You can use the grid to line up your shapes and create equal spacing between shapes. Simply align a shape to a line on the grid.