Microsoft Access Select From Dual Sybase


Actually, both ' SELECT 1' and ' SELECT 1 FROM DUAL' work in latest versions of MySQL. Interesting enough, ' SELECT 1 WHERE 1 = 1' requires a FROM clause: ' SELECT 1 FROM DUAL WHERE 1 = 1' is fine. In other platforms, like PostgreSQL, ' SELECT 1 WHERE 1 = 1' works fine. Another oddity: ' SELECT 1 FROM DUAL GROUP BY 1 HAVING 1=1' works in MySQL 5.7, but fails in MySQL 5.5. Slax os. Summary of the required/optional FROM clause in different platforms: • MySQL, MariaDB, Amazon Aurora: optional or use ' FROM dual'.

• Oracle: use ' FROM dual'. • IBM DB2: use ' FROM sysibm.sysdummy1'. • Informix: use ' FROM systables WHERE tabid=1' • Firebird, InterBase: use ' FROM rdb$database'. • Microsoft Access: required, but no dummy table.

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Access Select From Dual


Insert Select Sybase

Pass Through Query to Sybase SP. Programming and Web Development Forums - MS Office Access - Get help with Microsoft Access, learn how to create better databases and develop your skills.MS Access is used to handle small to medium database needs. This worked in Access 97 but fails in Access 2002 (ODBC failure) when the table *bar* is an ODBC Sybase (in my case) linked table. If *bar* were a local Access table, the query would do fine. If i did select foo from bar where a_colmun = (select [forms]![MyForm]![MyField] from dual) where *dual* is a table with only one line of data.